
90 Degree Fiber Optic Micro Probe Inspection Kit


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90 Degree Fiber Optic Micro Probe Inspection Kit


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PDF Specifications: 90 Degree Fiber Optic Micro Probe Inspection Kit

The Titan Micro-Probe Illumination Kits are the answer to proper illumination in those ultra small holes and cavities that pose special viewing problems because they are too small for light to enter properly.

The kits consists of: 6 Micro-Probes, 3 straight and 3 angled at 90 Degree. In 3 diameters of 0.120″, 0.058″ & 0.028″ 

The probes are 4″ long to allow entry into even the longest minute cavity. The kit also provided with 48″ long connecting fiber optic light guide which has to be inserted into the FOI-150 Halogen Light Source or LuxPro LED Light Source which are extra.

The FOMPIK Fiber Optic Probe Kit should be an integral part of any Inspection-Quality Control Department, De-Burring Section, Micro-Drilling and Boring Operations.

Since all illumination from the Micro-Probes is “Cold Light”, heat sensitivity is not a problem. The Micro-Probes can be used as Back Illumination for parts being examined under a microscope.

SKU: FOMPIK-90 Categories: ,