Product Description
High Magnification – Long Working Distance Objective
The art of Micro-Miniaturization in the Electronics Industry as well as Quality Control functions necessitates higher and higher Video Magnifications. The short -comings of these high magnifications has always been the extremely short working distances that were associated which greatly limited their applications. The TITAN HLML VIDEO OBJECTIVE SERIES COMPLETELY eliminates this problem. The lenses magnifications of 3X to 20X are possible with 6.36″ working distance for the 3X and 5.042″ for all others from 4X to 20X. A Special Adapter has been developed that will double all primary magnifications and even allow, if so ordered separately, for a reticle that can be calibrated to each magnifications in MM or inch. This reticle is also rotatable to align with a work piece or worktable up to 90 Degrees. The order number for the plain 2X adapter without reticle is #2XL, and with the Reticle order #RARP-3.
The HLML Video Objectives mount easily in the C Mount of any Video Camera, and the 2X Adapter can be mounted between the C Mount and the objectives. The use of the 2X Adapters 2XL or RARP-3 maintains the same working distance and cuts the Field of View in half. It is absolutely necessary to have sufficient illumination for this objective series for which we recommend the RI-34 Fibre Optic Ring Illuminator and FOI-150 150 Watt Halogen Light Source.
To calculate the magnification of the Video System, the formula used is OPTICAL MAGNIFICATION x ELECTRONIC MAGNIFICATION = TOTAL MAGNIFICATION. Electronic Magnification is the Diagonal of the Video Monitor divided by the Diagonal of the CCD Sensor. (Example: 9″ Monitor divided by a 1/2″ Sensor = 9 divided by .50″ = 18X Electronic Magnification.) with a 10X Video Objective, total magnification would be 180X or if the Magnification Adapters 2XL or RARP-3 are used it would be 10 x 2 x 18 or 360X total magnification for the system. The total overall length of the HLML Video Lenses is 11.3″. The system uses a C Mount to adapt to the Video Camera. The Length of the 2X re-magnification adapters is 3.56″. The diameter for both is 1.25″.
For holding small steel stampings, cutting tools, shafts and irregular shaped parts, may we recommend our Miniature Magnetic V Block No. 2076, or Large Magnetic V Block Model MV-50 .
See our complete line of Video Systems for use with the HLML Objective.